Who is the Klamath Watershed Partnership?.
Incorporated in 1997, the Klamath Watershed Partnership (KWP) is a community based non-profit organization focusing on the needs of landowners and natural resources sustainability. KWP works in collaboration with landowners, agencies and other partners to conserve, enhance, and restore the natural resources of the Klamath Basin, while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the regional economy and local communities. KWP is governed by the board of directors representing diverse points of view in the Klamath Basin. Visit our Resources page for minutes from recent meetings. The directors and staff are dedicated people with long-term stakes in the health of local communities and the watersheds that support them.

What Does KWP Do?
• Education – KWP provides watershed education to community members, serving as a resource regarding conservation issues in the Upper Basin. Landowners can learn about restoration projects that can improve conditions and keep them financially viable. They can also keep abreast of current federal and state regulations, and learn methods of ensuring compliance at minimal cost.
• Consultation – Landowners may request KWP to visit their property to assist in assessing the current conditions and exploring restoration potential on their land.
• Restoration – Restoration staff work closely with landowners to develop a project that fits with their values and also pencils out economically for them. We develop grant proposals to help fund the project, with landowners contributing time, materials and/or equipment. KWP manages the project from start to finish, acts as fiscal agent, obtains all permits, and submits all required reports.
• Planning – Between 2009 and 2012 the Klamath Watershed Partnership coordinated watershed assessments and action plans in the Upper Klamath Basin with funding from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. For links to this work, go to our Resources page. KWP continues to work with partners in the Basin on watershed restoration action strategies.
Check out our latest Annual Report.

Meet Our Staff
Bill coordinates KWP activities and partnership efforts across the basin, including regional planning. He leads ongoing outreach programs, promotion of restoration and resiliency projects, as well as irrigation efficiency solutions.

Leigh Ann coordinates most of our
forest health and forest fire recovery
projects. She also develops outreach
activities, provides graphic design, and
writes grants to promote KWP and
partner programs.

Mark coordinates with KWP partners
to implement projects ranging from
on-farm efficiency, stream restoration,
and wetland conservation. He also
assists in outreach efforts to promote
these projects to landowners across
the Klamath Basin.

Jeff coordinates with KWP staff to assist
in grant applications, reporting,
monitoring as well as office
administrative tasks. He will be
implementing projects under OWEB's
small grant program, conducting noxious weed management, and assisting KWP staff on their projects.

Sam provides administrative support for KWP and its staff, which includes assistance with financial and progress reporting, monitoring reporting, grant writing, general office support, and coordination with various local, state, and government agencies on outreach efforts and conservation projects.

Our Board​​
Matt Walter - Board Chair
Karl Wenner - Board Vice Chair
Anne Wenner - Board Secretary
Ashton Greer - Board Treasurer
Roger Smith - Member
Ryan Hartman - Member